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If you’re unfamiliar with uber pool, it can basically be described as allowing passengers to request a shared ride, which means they will share their ride with another passage or more. All these passengers are heading in the same direction and saving money because they’re “carpooling.” This is a nightmare for Uber drivers, but why?

Drivers hate Uber pool because passengers can be uneducated, drivers have to drive more for less money, and it could be distracting. Uber pool can also cause tension between passengers and put the driver’s ratings at risk, which can cause much more stress to Uber drivers and passengers.

Are you wondering how all these factors contribute to drivers absolutely hating Uber pool? Continue reading with us to find out why drivers hate Uber pool and why these reasons are valid!

6 Reasons Why Drivers Hate Uber Pool

Uber pool (20-minute uber cost reference here) might sound like a great idea for passengers to save money, but apart from that, it doesn’t offer much more benefits. Let’s take a look at the six main reasons why drivers hate Uber pool:

Most Uber Pool Passagers Do Not Know What They’ve Done

Most passengers who get into an Uber Pool car are completely clueless about the bigger picture. More often than not, Uber newbies will request an UberPool, not realizing what they are getting themselves into. 

When the driver has already gone off their route to pick up the second and third passengers, the first passenger will react upset and surprised. 

Sometimes the first passenger has forgotten unintentionally to let Uber know that they have a friend with them, and then the rest of the passengers will not be able to fit into the car.

Uber Drivers Tend To Drive More For Less Money

Not a lot of Uber Pool passengers realize that they are getting the same service for at well below the rates of the market, and the driver isn’t compensated at the market rates either. However, this may change if the Uber driver is getting a bonus at the end of the week. 

The paying rates of Uber POOL are usually much cheaper. The pickups, especially in the downtown areas, cause the drivers the most work as they could often get messy. 

As a Uber driver, you will be doing a lot more work when adding and coordinating the pickups and drop-offs between more than one passenger. UberPool can be up to 30% cheaper than your standard Uber ride, and Uber already takes very high commissions of up to 30% as well. 

The extra distance and time to pick up the passengers are not calculated, which ultimately causes Uber drivers to drive more for less money.

UberPool Can Be A Big Distraction On The Roads

Instead of Uber drivers only having to focus on driving their passengers from their pickup point to their drop-off point, drivers have to stay constantly aware of any new UberPool requests that may come in. 

The new UberPool feature makes it much worse, as drivers do not have the option to reject the nearest UberPool request. Daily road users will witness private-hire vehicles making a last-minute change in direction in many situations. 

They can cause illegal u-turns, compromising the safety of both drivers and passengers.

Arguments And Conflict Between Uberpool Passengers

Frustration can become an argument in several situations. The first passenger who got into the car became the last passenger to get out of the car after dropping off the two other passengers. 

You can sense the tension becoming higher and the possibility of an argument becoming a reality. 

UberPool drivers are obligated to follow the specific drop-off sequence on the Uber Partner App. However, the system is not perfect, and when it is not, the passengers may tend to argue with the driver and other passengers who should be dropped off first. 

In any type of argument or conflict situation, the UberPool driver will become the biggest loser, as most unreasonable pool riders will ultimately choose to blame it on the driver.

The Driver’s Ratings May Be At Risk

When everything mentioned above starts to add up, there is a big chance that UberPool drivers may receive low ratings from their passengers. 

When it comes to Uber, the biggest reason for high ratings received from passengers depends on how pleasant the conversations are inside of the Uber, as well as the one-on-one attention. 

With UberPool, the main thing that changes is the interactions between the driver and the passengers, and this is exactly the changing factor that leads to higher ratings. 

It could be very challenging and even impossible to be present with a passenger when constant shifts in navigation happen. The whole experience becomes stressful, which could cause the atmosphere inside your car to be tense. This can cause tension between both driver and passenger.

How Does A Low Rating Affect Uber Drivers?

Low ratings can affect uber drivers negatively, and consistent low ratings may result in getting removed from the Uber system entirely. 

Low ratings could also be a problem for drivers competing for the weekly top 50 rated drivers, as the low ratings can drag them down. 

Low ratings could also be a problem for passengers, as some passengers who care a lot about driver’s ratings could cancel on drivers who have low ratings, as they could be worried about the safety of their trip and the attitude of the driver.

Uber drivers do not have the option of opting out of UberPool. The driver will have to drive if they want to remain on the Uber platform since there is an increasing amount of rides.

UberPool Can Cause Stress For Drivers

Since the drivers are going to be under loads more pressure to pick up and quickly drop off passengers, they can be forced to be parked and wait in unfamiliar or unsafe areas that are more prone to tickets and accidents, and even robberies.


Now that you know exactly how UberPool can impact both Uber drivers and passengers, you may better understand why drivers tend to hate uberPool. 

Not only can UberPool become inconvenient for passengers, but drivers may also get frustrated, which can result in low ratings, and they could even lose their source of income.